
I am just your average girl trying to lose weight and get healthy with a love for beauty and fashion.  I’m currently in high school hoping to go into the fashion industry.  I also hope to live in NYC and live the dream.

On here I will be posting on how to wear certain items of clothing, makeup tutorials, workouts/workout plans, and tips on staying healthy and losing weight.

I’m super excited to start seriously blogging and I hope you will follow me on my journey.

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey hun! Thanks for the follow and I have to say this is an amazing blog! Very well made and organized. I had recently on my facebook page asked some of my followers about starting a health section on my blog and its a great coincidence that you found me, a fellow fashion/health conscious blogger 🙂 I will be following your blog diligently.

  2. Your blog is great! When I read that you’re in high school I was shocked!! So awesome! Keep it up. Your motivation is inspirational! Looking forward to following you!

  3. Hi BB, love the blog, trying to get in shape over here in holland I came across your blof via Pinterest, love it! I run 3x a week for about 45 min, should I do but and belly directly after?

  4. I love you’re blog. Thanks so much. The Itty Bitty Tummy and Brazilian Butt workouts are my daily routines. They have helped me turn the hands of time back on my clock — my body is going from that of a 30 year old to a 22 year old.

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