Hot Bod 4 Week Challenge(Prize info included!)

SG in Bikini 3 edit

Summer’s just about here and I know I’m not ready for it.  But that’s okay because for the next 4 weeks both you and me will be busting our butts to get in awesome shape.  I have a list of guidelines that you can pick and choose which ones you want to follow. The ones I stress that you do are closer to the top of the list.  The challenge will run from June 2 to June 29.  I recommend not weighing yourself till the very end so that you will not be disappointed.  Base your results on how you feel and how your clothes fit for a better indication. Personally I will be following all these guidelines and I will hopefully show you my results.  The guidelines are: Continue reading

Life Update

I know I’ve been MIA with posts other than Half Marathon training  and I am so sorry.  My life has been hectic lately with APs and the half marathon and school.  I’ve been really overwhelmed and had no time to anything but study and workout.  Now I’m alittle better off because APs are over and my classes are starting to warm down in preparation for finals.  This means that I’ll have more time to post!  My creative juices have began to flow and I have so many ideas.  I’m also planning a huge summer haul so watch out for a twofer post, one about how to shop smart and one with everything I bought.  I’m planning to go to a Goodwill for the first time ever and plan on buying a ton of cheap stuff and DIY a ton of it.  I’ve been watching youtube videos and have tons of inspiration. Continue reading

Half Marathon Training: 1 Weeks To Go!

This week was insane for me.  A combination of homework insanity, AP studying and allergies led to a pretty low mileage week.  I’m really nervous  and I cannot believe that race day is so soon.  I feel unprepared but my goal is to finish.  Whether there’s walking involved or not, I will get that medal and wear it proudly.  Here is my training schedule from this past week:  Continue reading

Half Marathon Training: 2 Weeks To Go!

This quote completely represents my long from this weekend.  I just could not hit 10 mi but even though I had to walk for the last mi, I just kept telling myself that as long as I kept moving, I would finish.  I think that’s gonna be my motto for the half.  I may not be the fastest but I will finish.  I also tried out my peanut butter gel during the long run and it tasted pretty good but did nothing for energy so I might have to take it a bit earlier on race day.  I cannot believe that the half is only 2 weeks away.  Time just flew by.  Here was my training schedule for this past week:  Continue reading