Dry Hands? I Have the Cure!

…Not really but ever since winter started my hand have been drier than the Sahara. And over time I’ve learned a few little tips to help.

  1. Keep moisturizing hand lotion near at all times. When ever they feel dry, lotion them. You can’t get around this if you want them to be vaguely soft.
  2. Put vaseline on them at night before bed and put cotton socks or gloves over them. This will make them nice and slippery and they keep moisturized throughout the night.
  3. Put lotion after you wash you hands. Soap is drying and will make your hands worse. Also try and use moisturizing soap which may help a bit.
  4. Drink water. You should be drinking 8 glasses a day anyway but keeping hydrated helps keep your skin hydrated.