Hot Bod 4 Week Challenge: Final Review

SG in Bikini 3 edit

Yesterday was the final day of Hot Bod 4 Week Challenge and I have to say that I was not very good with it.  I didn’t follow all of the rules every day and know that if I did, I would have had better results.  But with this behind me, I plan on working hard and just trying to eat healthy.  As many of you know I promised a prize($15 itunes gift card for your workout playlist) to those who participated.  To win that prize, you must be following my blog, instagram, and twitter.  And you must comment on this post answering the questions: How did this challenge help you become healthier/fitter?  And what were your results?  At least 15 people must participate and add your twitter and instagram name in your response.  Good luck!

Hot Bod 4 Week Challenge(Prize info included!)

SG in Bikini 3 edit

Summer’s just about here and I know I’m not ready for it.  But that’s okay because for the next 4 weeks both you and me will be busting our butts to get in awesome shape.  I have a list of guidelines that you can pick and choose which ones you want to follow. The ones I stress that you do are closer to the top of the list.  The challenge will run from June 2 to June 29.  I recommend not weighing yourself till the very end so that you will not be disappointed.  Base your results on how you feel and how your clothes fit for a better indication. Personally I will be following all these guidelines and I will hopefully show you my results.  The guidelines are: Continue reading

The Art of Getting Back on Track

When I was seriously losing weight last year, I was very strict.  I would count every calorie that went into my mouth and would always say no to food that wasn’t in my meal plan.  As time went on, I got less and less strict to the point where I’m right back to where I started(not weight wise but diet wise).  So I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to learn to say no again and I’ve created a list of things to do(because as many of you have come to realize, I love lists). Continue reading

Staying Healthy While Eating Out

I heard this problem so many times before.  You eat fine at home and once you leave the house and go out to dinner you can’t control yourself.  Here are some tips on staying healthy while eating out: Continue reading

New Year, New You: Body/Health

new year's resolution graph, weight loss

One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight.  But sadly, most people fail at this goal.  In my new series, New Year, New You, I will be tackling how to achieve your New Year’s Resolutions.  The first one of this series is how to improve your body/health. Continue reading

Countdown to Christmas: Final Week Review and Weigh In

This week was better than last week.  I lost weight and ate alittle better.  I also followed the 10k training program and can now run 3.1 miles straight!  Huge accomplishment for me.  The whole time I just kept thinking of how fat me would have quick after 5 minutes but here I was so close to finishing.  Sometimes you have to be your own motivation.  Also the Matrix was so that help too.(PS.Awesome movie, if you haven’t seen you have to immediately!)

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Countdown to Christmas: Week 3 Review and Weigh In

I’m so incredibly annoyed with myself.  Like I gained weight this week and I know why.  I ate badly and I didn’t workout as much.  Why do I do this to myself.   My weight has been yoyoing for a while and I hate it.  I just can’t get it down.  But then I found this photo and it kinda helps:

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Dry Hands? I Have the Cure!

…Not really but ever since winter started my hand have been drier than the Sahara. And over time I’ve learned a few little tips to help.

  1. Keep moisturizing hand lotion near at all times. When ever they feel dry, lotion them. You can’t get around this if you want them to be vaguely soft.
  2. Put vaseline on them at night before bed and put cotton socks or gloves over them. This will make them nice and slippery and they keep moisturized throughout the night.
  3. Put lotion after you wash you hands. Soap is drying and will make your hands worse. Also try and use moisturizing soap which may help a bit.
  4. Drink water. You should be drinking 8 glasses a day anyway but keeping hydrated helps keep your skin hydrated.