Itty Bitty Tummy Workout

This workout is awesome if you wanna shrink your waist and get a flat toned tummy!  Each move has a picture accompanying it to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing.  If you do it, tell me if you like it!

25 Crunches

25 Reverse Crunches

25 Bicycle Crunches

40 Russian Twists

20 Side Crunches per side

30 sec Plank

Do this workout 3x through and try and add 30 minutes of cardio to burn off the fat.  Leave any workout request in the comments and I’ll be sure to try and do them next week.

Edit: As of 1/5/13 I will not be responding to comments on this post.  If you have a personal question,  email me at or ask me on my facebook page and I will respond as quickly as I can.  I will still post your comments and I read them all but I will just not respond.

89 thoughts on “Itty Bitty Tummy Workout

  1. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I don’t know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

  2. Can you do Leg workouts? PLEASE. I really wanna get goodlooking legs so I could look good when wearing , short-shorts, Skirts , & dresses. Please !

  3. Maybe do one for arms? Like when you have that little bit of fat under them haha. And definitely do one for legs! Thank you so much for this! You’re lovely. ❤

    • Thank you 🙂 And I have actually done both! Just check out the fitness link under the categories on the right side of my blog. The arm one is called Toned Arms Workout and the leg one is called Lean Legs Workout.

  4. Hi! these workouts are great. I also like that the pics move. It helps me to make sure I’m doing it right. Question how many times a week should I do the work outs(leg&tummy) to see results?? Thanks..Definitely gonna be following ur post(:

    • I would say to do about 30 mins of cardio 5-6x a week. Along with doing the tummy workout 3x and the leg workout 3x making sure to have a day between training different parts of the body. But I also recommend incorporating different parts of the body into your workout plan. I’ll actually make a post on making a workout plan on Tuesday 🙂 And thank you

  5. Pingback: How I Make Workout Plans | thehautebunny

  6. Can’t believe I just came across this n I’ve been following u for a few weeks 🙂 I’m going to start doing this workout too YAY…I so love your blog!!!!

  7. I love these exercises! Thanks for putting them together! The pictures are helpful. I added Pilates breast stroke and swimming for a quick core workout.

  8. found this today, did it … LOVE IT ! i already feel the burn ! (especially in the reverse crunches- excellent!) thank you !!

  9. I’m having difficulty completing all of these at once. I know I will be able to build up to it but us it okay that I do 10 of the allotted 25, then take a few seconds to complete the 15 remaining?

  10. Just discovered this tonight and went ahead and did just one set of each move before going to bed. I felt the burn so I can’t wait to do it 3 times tomorrow. How often should I do this? Everyday, or is that too much? And I’m a runner. Run 3 miles every other day so I’m really focusing on getting a good stomach. I’m not fat but just need to tone so this works great. Thank you!!

  11. I love the Braziilian butt workout you posted. I’ve kept with that for 2 mths now. WIlling to give this a shot 🙂 Thanks!

    • you’ve been doing the brazillian butt workout for 2 months? can i ask you some questions, when did you start seeing results and was there a major difference after 2 months?

      • I’ve been doing the brazillian butt workout for a month now and I started seeing a difference in a week. I’ve started this now and I can see some difference in just about a week. I love your workouts! They’re really helpful towards getting in good shape and I cant wait to show off this summer!

  12. I just stumbled upon your pin on Pinterest and it has motivated me to give the exercises a try for both butt and tummy.

  13. Pingback: another weight loss blog.. | Serious Beans

  14. im so out of shape! after two kids and only being six months out from this last one, im sweating after the first 10 crunches! Better than nothing right? Ill get there someday right? lol

  15. Pingback: “Itty Bitty Tummy Workout” | thesoutherngirllife

  16. When you say to do this workout “3 times through” do you mean 3 times back to back in the same night (75 crunches a night, as a total) or 3 times throughout the week?

  17. Hello!!! Just wondering what exactly a cardio workout is? I’ve never been one to exercise or really need to until I had my fourth baby, thanks a lot!!!

  18. After trying the exercises you recommend here by myself, I’m creating a post on my own blog for recommending them to my readers, linking to your post. Thanks a lot for the tips, I already feel the effects!!

  19. LOVE this!!! Found you on Pinterest and just finished this workout- love it!! I need to work off all of the food I make and blog about! Lol would love to see something that tones your thighs and butt if you don’t already have something? 🙂 LOVE this blog already!

  20. Pingback: day one | daily fitness trials

  21. hold a weight during the Russian twists to make them a little more difficult and see better results. Also, try doing planks with extended arms to work out your arms as well, and go up on each side (holding your body up with only one arm and your feet) to tone your obliques and sides.

  22. My stomach and butt are killing me! Just did some of these exercises and butt workouts and they are great 🙂 Love this blog soooooo much !!!! Actually found it on Pinterest!

  23. I just started this and it’s amazing, I love that there is no weights involved so I can easily do it at home. I was wondering if you could post arm workout also, would really appreciate it !!!

  24. Be careful with the Russian Twists. They are very bad for your spine if done incorrectly, especially if you are holding added weight!

  25. i have been doing this five days a week for 2 weeks and there is already a noticeable difference in my booty!!! my abs are so sore and it is wonderful!!! thank you for posting this and the Brazilian butt work out!!

  26. Pingback: A sweaty mess | Me At 33

  27. I don’t know how I came here but while reading this one, it taught me that I should do some of these in order for me to burn some fats. Fat makes me fat that I’m starting to hate myself whenever I’m looking at the mirror. This can really assists me. Nice one!

  28. LOVE THIS! The main ab workouts I do are AB RIPPER from P90X and this completely worked a whole me group of muscles for me, I have to say my fave is the reverse crunch- man does that burn!!

  29. Can anyone that has done this for a month or two say how its going? I only see people who are trying it for the first time.

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