Best Price Nutrition: Hexapro Decadent Chocolate Milkshake Protein Review

Half Marathon to Roasted Chickpeas 029


Best Price Nutrition contacted me a few weeks ago to do a product review and I said yes!  I received 4 products and I will review them all in separate posts.  Today I will be reviewing the Hexapro Decadent Chocolate Milkshake Protein, like I did in my Tae Bo Review, with a pros and cons list.


  • Tastes amazing!!  I was really surprised that it actually tasted like chocolate.  I already asked my dad to buy me the full tub.
  • 25 g of protein for 174 calories!
  • 5 amino acid blends(bonus!)
  • Awesome nutrition facts!


  • Could be expensive for most at $36.99 for 3 lbs and $57.99 at 5 lbs.
  • Cytosport Vanilla is 140 cal for 27 g but it also doesn’t have amino acids.
  • Not completely all natural with artificial sweeteners and a long list of ingredients.

Final Review

This product tastes amazing and I would definitely recommend it if you have the money.  Watch out for a few more reviews of the rest of the products I received.


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